Vintage W.S. Haynes, solid silver, 100% USA-made, flute, fully reconditioned and a superb player; serial #9369
***** An interesting vintage flute from the W.S. Haynes Company, made in Boston in 1926.****
Plateau keywork, offset G, C foot, the tone-holes extruded from the body.
Solid silver, .018 tube thickness, the original embouchure measures 10.1 X 12.0 mm and the sounding length is 601 mm.
Plateau Haynes flutes from the twenties are not particularly rare, but this is an exceptionally fine example that comes with a bit of history.
Kansas native Verne Q. Powell worked for Haynes between 1913 and 1927 and is rumored to have cut the embouchures on most of the flutes from his last years there.
Our flute was originally sold to Robert E. Millard, of whom the Lorenzo book cites…
“Milllard, Robert E. ( 1882 - ) American flutist born in Milwaukee where he studied with Carl Woempner who later, became solo flutist of the Minneapolis Symphony. He has been connected with several artistic institutions in Portland, Oregon.”
We note that our flute comes with the original leather-bound case that’s still in solid condition. We see no evidence that the instrument has been dented, dinged or otherwise damaged and the plateau keywork is still tight and without looseness or wobble.
The engraving to the body section is still crisp, has not been over-polished.
Yes, the flute plays well at A = 440, not 435, but also not 442 or higher.
Recommended to the adult amateur who might want a “comfortable” pro-quality flute, one that sings wonderfully, with a superb lower register.
All pads and corks are new, from our workshop in Wichita.
More questions? Yes, please do contact us, as we’re always delighted to speak with flootie-persons.
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